Steven I. Weiss has Rabbi Dr. David Berger's take on the recent 770 court decision. Dr. Berger is unsure of what to make of it and he prefers to wait and see what the practical results are. That was my reaction when I saw the decision last week, and it's why I have not posted anything on it until now.
Dr. Berger has a litmus test of sorts – will Rabbi Krinsky remove messianic signs and banners from the building, inside and out? Will he ban messianic practices like making rows of honor after prayer for the late Rebbe to "walk" through? Or will the status quo remain?
The theology of the Krinsky "anti-messianist" faction and the overt messianists is the same. It is only the practical ideology, their public actions, that differ. Both believe the late Rebbe is the messiah. Both believe the late Rebbe answers prayers directed to him and "dispenses" advice to those who ask for it. It is only publicizing the late Rebbe's "messianic status" that causes disagreement.
As a commenter on Canonist points out, the real test is not whether the Krinsky faction removes messianic signs from the building and bans overt messianic practice inside. The real test is whether Chabad followers remove questionable messianic theology from their hearts.