The Jewish Week has another stunning article on the metzitza b'peh controversy. In it, Rabbi David Zwiebel, the head of Agudath Israel of America, admits haredi leaders may have lied to their constituencies about both the dangers of MBP and the city's intent. All this is fine, according to Rabbi Zwiebel, because the haredi leaders were only doing this to whip up the masses in protest.
Let me clear. Rabbis have knowing lied to their followers about a very real medical danger.
But there is more.
“The lack of understanding among leaders of this community is truly outrageous,” said Dr. Jonathan Zenilman, chief of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins Medical Center.
As an example, he cited a suggestion by Agudah in a letter last week to the Department of Health that mohels believed to have transmitted herpes to infants not be banned from doing metzitzah b’peh, but instead that the anti-viral drug acyclovir be topically applied to the circumcision wound or that it be taken by the mohel orally.
“The Agudah’s proposals demonstrate that they don’t understand this disease process,” Zenilman said. “Local application of acyclovir doesn’t work. It is not used by clinical experts for treatment, let alone prevention of transmission.”
And, he said, herpes-infected adults taking acyclovir orally is proven to be 90 percent effective in preventing symptomatic transmission among adult partners, but effective only half the time in the actual transmission of the virus.
Furthermore, Zenilman said, these are adult sexual partners with mature immune systems who were studied, not newborns.
“One of the things that gets consistently overlooked is that the infant is considered an immuno-suppressed host in terms of susceptibility to infection,” he said. “That’s why in this population this infection is a devastating disease.”
Then we have the haredi tactics aimed at damaging the lives and careers of those trying to protect vulnerable infants. Accusing NYC Health Comissioner Thomas Frieden of anti-Jewish and anti-Orthodox bias:
Meanwhile, some representatives of the fervently Orthodox community are ramping up a campaign to get Frieden taken off the metzitzah b’peh issue.
In a meeting last month, representatives of the Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A. and Canada, a rabbinical court, asked Frieden to recuse himself and turn the matter over to the state’s health commissioner.
A Satmar source who asked not to be named said upon hearing the suggestion, Frieden told the representatives that would be like the rabbis turning their authority over to priests, and walked out of the room.
In a cynical misuse of the Holocaust, Satmar has also threated to send hundreds of demonstrators dressed in concentration camp uniforms to hound the mayor and the health commissioner.
As the city moves toward madatory reporting of all cases of neonatal herpes (until now, reporting has been voluntary – which has undoubtably contributed to the under-reporting of MBP-related cases), Agudah has, at least for now, endorsed the move. Rabbi Zwiebel says mandatory reporting will show MBP-related infections to be very rare. Most likely, this will not be the case. I believe Rabbi Zwiebel knows this, and is using the mandatory reporting to buy time – at least one or two more years – before haredim will be forced to deal with MBP once and for all.
During that time, God forbid, more babies will become sick, will be maimed and may even die. What should happen then? In an ideal world, haredim would revolt against their leaders. But that will not happen. Satmar and other groups will continue to lie, and continue to demonize and harass city officials. And haredim will by and large believe those lies, because the alternative is too difficult, and the cognative dissonance too high. And babies will continue to suffer, and perhaps die, as a result.