Number 6 on the Meretz list in the upcoming elections is a 59-year-old haredi mother of five with a Ph.D. in politcal philosophy, Tzvia Greenfield. She's for civil marriage, gay rights, and she has a perceptive view on rabbinical culture:
Greenfield is an unusual ultra-Orthodox politician not only because she is a woman, but also in her attitude toward rabbis. In her book, "They Are Scared," she accuses the great rabbinic leaders of this generation of "enflaming zealousness and hostility and widening the deep rift in the Jewish people."
"I don't hide my opinion that rabbis do not do the Jewish people much good," she told Haaretz. "They are not efficient leaders. In order to preserve their positions of power, they prevent change."
As expected, the haredi world is outraged that Dr. Greenfield identifies as a haredi.
I'm hoping Meretz gets the six seats necessary to put Dr. Greenfield in Knesset. It will be fun to watch her work.