Fringe Chabad elements and members of the banned Kahane movement have joined together to physically resist pullout from the West Bank. Arutz 7 reports:
Youths calling themselves “Orange Youth Brigade” are busy training in self-defense, explaining they will not permit a reoccurrence of the Gaza or Amona expulsions, especially the brutality directed against youths in Amona.
The directors of the program, including a former IDF self-defense and hand-to-hand combat instructor, explained their training is strictly self-defense. Training includes defending oneself against a threat riding horseback, preparing for mounted police as well.
When asked how they would react to a police effort to remove them from areas of Israel, one director responded that no one will ever forcibly remove them from their homes again and if provoked or attacked, they will defend themselves.
An Israel Television news report stated the involved persons are affiliated with the outlawed followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane and a fringe extreme element of the Chabad hassidic sect.
So the teachings of Menachem Mendel Schneerson as expounded by Chabad rabbis Sholom Dovber Wolpe and Yitzhak Ginzburg have merged with idealogy of Meir Kahane, hy"d. The worst is yet to come.
[Hat tip: Rabbi Ariel Sokolvsky.]