Choose the answer that is the closest to the empirical truth:
- The universe is: A) 15 billion years old. B) Less than 6000 years old. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- Human beings first walked on this earth: A) 50,000 years ago. B) Less than 6000 years ago. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- A) The earth revolves around the sun. B) The sun revolves around the earth. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- A) Mice can be spontaneously generated from mud. Lice, too. B) Spontaneous generation does not exist. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- A) Rashi discovered electricity. B) Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- A) Rabbis can predict the future. B) No they can not. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- Saliva when placed on an open, bleeding circumcision wound of an infant: A) Promotes healing. B) Transmits disease. C) I'd prefer not to know.
- Charles Darwin was: A) Evil. B) A scientist. C) Both A & B.
- Modern medicine was made possible by: A) Science. B) Rabbis. C) God acting through scientists.
- Which of the following knew modern physics: A) The rabbis of the Talmud. B) Galileo. C) Newton. D) None of the above. E) All of the above.
Answer keys after the jump.
Correct Answers:
- A
- A
- A
- B
- B
- B
- B
- B
- A or C
- D
Gedolim Answers:
- B
- B
- B
- A
- A
- A
- A
- C
- B or C
- A or E
Haredi Man-on-the-Street Answers:
- B or C
- B or C
- B or C
- A or C
- A or C
- A or C
- A or C
- A or C
- B or C
- A or E
Modern Orthodox Answers:
- A
- A
- A
- B
- B
- B
- B
- B
- A or C
- D