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Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, the rosh yeshiva in Philadelphia and a supporter of the banned Rabbi Nosson Slifkin, has changed his mind and is now condemning Rabbi Slifkin and his books. From the appearance of his signature on a letter that he did not himself write, and from the dating on the letter (which closely corresponds with the dating on the letter condemning Rabbi Slifkin written by the Novominsker Rebbe), it appears Rav Shmuel was a reluctant signatory* forced to give in by pressure from Rabbi Elyashiv and the Israeli 'gedolim.'
All the vitriol hurled at Rabbi Slifkin is misdirected. The 'gedolim' created this mess by their boorish behavior, disregard of halakha and downright ignorance of science, history and Jewish theology. Any animus on their part should be wholly self-directed.
Make no mistake about it. Being a haredi now means believing the entire universe is less than 6000 years old and that all of science is an elaborate fraud. And this applies to Aish HaTorah, Ohr Somayach, Discovery and Chabad just as much as it applies to Lakewood, Mir and Ponevitch.
The 'gedolim' have killed Judaism.
[First seen on GodolHador, and Maven Yavin.]
*UPDATE: Rav Shmuel is claiming to be concerned about a new article posted by Rabbi Slifkin on his website. The books and original views were not the object of his signature appended to Rabbi Schechter's letter. The problem is the letter stands by the ban of the books and of Rabbi Slifkin. The other problem is Rabbi Slifkin's only new piece is on elephants and contanins nothing different from his earlier work. In other words, Rav Shmuel is apparently lying. Reports are also coming in that point out that Rav Shmuel did not give Rabbi Slifkin a chance to respond to charges against him before Rav Shmuel made them public, and that Rav Shmuel violated other aspects of halakha by issuing this letter.
Such little men with such big hats.