In a bizarre move, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv criticizes other rabbis for banning a book on marriage without first reading it. Does that mean Rabbi Elyashiv apologized to Rabbi Slifkin for banning him and the books he wrote on Torah and Science – books Rabbi Elyashiv did not read before banning them? No chance.
Krum reports:
As reported in this letter by R' Aharon Feldman printed in the Israeli papers, R' Elyashiv criticized rabbonim for opposing a book regarding marriage because they hadn't read it. Isn't this precisely the conduct he is reported to have engaged in with respect to R' Slifkin?
Note also the striking contrast between the "book review" process described in the letter and the process that Slifkin's writings were subject to. R' Feldman reports that:
1. R' Elyashiv rendered an opinion only after the book was checked by a bes din of experts
2. The writer was given an opportunity to correct the errors that were found.
Of course, Rabbi Slifkin was given no such courtesy by Rabbi Elyashiv or any other so-called gadol.