Gil Student is hyping a new blog by and for ba'alei teshuva (BTs, returnees to Orthodox Judaism). The blog is apparently based on a Cross-Currents-like theme, with many bloggers sharing one goal – defense of Orthodoxy at all costs. One of the bloggers (Zelig) appears to be Steve Brizel, a YU BT who is a frequent commenter on the now-defunct Protocols blog, and at Hirhurim and Bloghead. Another appears to Rabbi Meyer Schiller, the controversial white supremist who advocates separation of the "races." Rabbi Schiller also serves as the spokesman for the hasidic village of New Square, and teaches at Yeshiva University's affilliated high school. (Rabbi Schiller is under a ban from YU that prevents him from speaking about his affinity for "race separation" in the classroom, in speeches, writings or in interviews, although Rabbi Schiller appears to have violated that ban by speaking to racist groups outside of the United States.)
Just the type of blog to warm a BT's heart – perhaps by standing too close to the burning cross while reading.