Rabbi Modechai Eliyahu has now withdrawn his statements urging soldiers to disobey orders. He also has this to say about his 'prophcey' that Disengagement would not happen:
Eliahu has been criticized by religious Zionist rabbis for promising thousands of his followers, many of whom are former residents of the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria, that disengagement would never happen.
Asked what he had to say to those settlers who suffered material losses, because they believed his promises and did not pack up their belongings or cooperate with the government, Eliahu replied: "From the beginning I always said to the settlers that they need to act according to their level of confidence in God. Someone who is afraid, I said, should evacuate and leave and do what he thinks is right. Someone with more confidence in God should pack but not leave and someone with even more confidence should not even pack."
Eliahu said that those settlers who had confidence in God and did not pack would receive a heavenly reward.
And those who packed but did not leave? Why, they get nothing!?! Their faith was not great enough!?!
What utter bulls*#t! Mordechai Eliyahu was wrong, he damaged many Jews and did so when claiming 'prophecy.' The man is either a fool or a false prophet. Either way, he should be ashamed and should with draw from public life immediately.