How to oppose Disengagement thug (and Chabad) style. Note the sick use of small children:
Several dozen protesters, all of them children and teenagers, dashed into the road and stopped traffic in both directions. Police dragged about 10 protesters into a van. The protesters resisted and several escaped.
A few minutes earlier, children under the age of 10 sat on the road, chanting "Jews do not evict Jews," the slogan of the pullout opponents, slowing traffic.
…Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had instructed police and security forces to take all the necessary measures to prevent road blockages and publilc disturbances by right-wing activists.
"We will not allow a fellowship of gangs to drag the country downhill," Sharon told ministers during a cabinet meeting earlier Wednesday.
… "If there is one weak, dangerous, loose link that is guilty of this whole violent struggle, it is the Yesha Council," said Sharon aide Lior Horev. "They are acting like ostriches, looking the other way and taking no responsibility for the people whom they sent to the Gaza Strip, to that bloody hotel, and that girl who kicked the soldier in the head at the beginning of the week today, and today, people who are endangering people's lives."
One of the drivers whose tires were punctured, Gilad Levy, a resident of the West Bank settlement of Kedumim and an opponent of the disengagement, voiced strong criticism of the activists' actions.
"There are not the people of Yesha. These are members of the extreme right, with whom Yesha has no connection. They want to inflame passions like those whom are occupying the hotel in Gush Katif," a reference to young activists, many of them from the West Bank, who have barricaded themselves in former hotel in a settlement area of the Gaza Strip.
"They're guys with simply nothing to do, guys who are bored."
The oil and nails were strewn at two sites on the highway, one at the Shappirim junction, the other near Kfar Chabad, a focal point of anti-disengagement activity.