Chabad is opening a "boutique" synagogue in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan:
“We call it a boutique synagogue. You might have to RSVP. There might be a roped line. It will totally be a scene. But it’s all kosher,” explained Dovi Scheiner, a thin, 28-year-old Orthodox rabbi dressed casually in black pants and an untucked white button-down, with tallith strings hanging down from his waist.It's all kosher just the way a Rubashkin steer with its throat ripped out by a hook is kosher – money kashered it.
Hat tip: ConservaGirl.
UPDATE: Remember the story about Dmitry Salita, the boxer with Chabad connections? The fight attended by Chabadniks where girls in very skimpy bikinis paraded with the round cards? The new SoHo synagogue is part of the same Chabad organization that sponsored that Chabad trip to the fights and is run by the same man – Rabbi Dovi Scheiner, who is also listed as the Director of Public Relations for the Crown Heights-based OK kosher supervision. And, one more thing: Dovi's wedding was scheduled for 9-11-2001 in 770. He did not delay the wedding, even though more than 3000 people had been murdered eariler that day, the Pentagon had been attacked, and the world had been catapulted into war. If anything, Judaism would have mandated a fast day. Certainly no celebration, including a wedding, should have been held.