Rabbi Dovid Feinstein has "rescinded" (not "retracted") his signature to the Rabbi Nosson Slifkin Ban.
That 'brave' action does not appear to be coupled with an apology to Rabbi Slifkin (or the thousands of Jews indirectly hurt by the ban) and has been done in a less-than-public manner that leaves Rabbi Feinstein much wiggle-room.
Both omissions seem to point to a reluctant Rabbi Feinstein bowing to pressure from Agudath Israel of America, whose influence – and fundraising – had been weakened by the ban and its aftermath. Most probably, the publication of the 'gadol' Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch's much-pilloried letter – a work so juvenile that it truly defies parody – was the proverbial straw that broke Agudath Israel's back.
But no one should be fooled – the flat-earth society still runs haredi Orthodoxy, and the next ban is lurking just around the corner.
It is also important to note that so far not one American 'gadol' has come out publicly against the ban, although various 'gedolim' are reported to be private supporters of Rabbi Slifkin. All, of course, are reputed to have many 'valid' reasons for remaining silent in the face of tyranny.
Predictably, the capons have come home to roost.
UPDATE – Godol Hador has printed the entire 'retraction':
Dear ______,
Dr. G[orlin] told me on Shabbat that Rav Dovid Feinstein, Shlita, has disavowed his disapproval and wants his name removed from all letters disapproving the books, etc.
Dr. G says, that Rav Dovid still takes the position that he is against the publication due to the principle of sveika, (since apparently reading the book(s) has caused some doubts to set in w/some bachurim), but he has disavowed the letter and has no problem if people choose to read the books.W[arren]
In other words, the books are not
heresy but should not be published or sold. If someone wants to read
the books – fine, go ahead. But you have been warned that it's best not
Rabbi Feinstein's position is based on a parsing of language equal to the best work of former president Bill Clinton.
The ban effectively still stands.