Mr. Putin's Court Jew and Chabad Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar gave Mr. Putin his medal at Auschwitz a few hours ago.
According to the International Herald Tribune, it happened this way:
Toward the close of the ceremony and as darkness started to fall, the chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, presented Putin and the Polish president, Aleksander Kwasniewski, each with a special medal. The rabbi praised Russia's role in liberating Auschwitz and liberating Europe from fascism and praised Poland for improving its ties with its small Jewish community and in hosting the ceremony.
In other words, the "state"-issued medal was given by Rabbi Lazar to its issuer – Mr. Putin.
Israeli President Moshe Katsav did not participate. In fact, as Ha'aretz reported, even though Rabbi Lazar claimed President Katsav would be awarding the medal, President Katsav did not even know about the medal until he arrived in Poland.
Another sick Chabad PR gambit, this time at the expense of the murdered, the survivors and those who paid with blood to liberate them.
Chabad should be ashamed.
Oh, and by the way – Russia is selling mobile-launched missles to Syria.