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NY Times: A Muckraking Blogger Focuses On Jews
The Forward: "The indictments were first reported on the blog FailedMessiah."
The Forward: Blogger Focuses on Orthodox Foibles
Ha'aretz: Jewish Bloggers To Gather In Jerusalem
The Village Voice: The Fall Of The House Of Rubashkin
"PR Week: Shmarya Rosenberg of FailedMessiah.com did some sharp investigating…"
GAWKER: 5WPR Flacks Get So Freaking Busted Impersonating People Online
GAWKER: 5WPR Busted For Even More Blog Fraud; Uses Apology As Slimy Sales Pitch Opportunity
Jerusalem Post: Agriprocessors' PR company faces allegations of identity theft
The Forward: Flacks for Kosher Slaughterhouse Accused of Impersonating Company's Critics Online
The Forward: Flacks for Kosher Company Admit Impersonation
JTA: PR firm accused of impersonating rabbi
GAWKER: 5WPR Scares Holy Man With Sock Puppet, Blames Intern
JTA Traces Fake Rabbi Morris Allen Comment To Agriprocessors Spokesman's Home
JTA: Agriprocessors' PR firm accused of impersonating rabbi
Ha'aretz: Jewish blogger tackles perceived shortcomings of Orthodox Judaism
PR Week: 5W faces accusation for blog misconduct
GAWKER: Scheme To Blame Intern For PR Fraud Unravels
GAWKER: Sad Flacks Secretly Edit Their Boss's Own Wikipedia Page
NY Jewish Week: A P.R. Nightmare
Mpls StarTribune: PR firm's meat plant messages misleading
Iowa Independent: Misconduct by Agriprocessors' PR Firm Has Rabbi Considering Legal Options
The Forward: Public Relations Firm Criticized
PR Week: 5W, Orthodox Jewish group at odds over statement
The London Jewish Chronicle: "Shmarya Rosenberg muses on religious racism"
The Forward: "The indefatigable foe of ultra-Orthodox excess"
ASBURY PARK PRESS: Dwek Faces Shunning, If Not Death
New Vilna Review: Is There An Orthodox War Against Modern Orthodoxy?
Talkline Radio Network Interview: Rabbinic responses to Ethiopian Jewry.
Jewcy: Most Wanted: The Big, Bad Butchers and Bullies of Agriprocessors