Another Rubashkin statement on the scandal, this time from Heshy Rubashkin.
Best quotes:
Agriprocessors is, and always has been, committed to the highest standards of humane treatment of animals as a matter of moral conviction, federal law, and religious faith.
In the face of the scurrilous charges leveled against it, Agriprocessors will depend on outside expertise, like these rabbinic authorities, to judge objectively, free from political agendas or personal bias, the humane nature of the processes it uses and will communicate those judgments to our retailers and customers. We will rely on the ongoing assessments of the United States Department of Agriculture to judge our compliance with the law, the rabbinic authorities to judge our adherence to kosher law and practice, and outside auditors to monitor our treatment of animals.
As we always have, we will follow the recommendations and directions of our regulators to make any additional changes they recommend or require to guarantee animals are treated humanely. We are confident that our regulators will conclude, as they have in the past, that Agriprocessors lives by the highest principles of kosher law and humane animal treatment.
Of course, those rabbis are paid by Rubashkin for their supervision.
Read it all here.