Adath Israel is listed in the telephone directory as "Adath Israel Orthodox Synagogue." This is the name the synagogue has been known by for many years. 1001 Prior Avenue South, Rabbi Zeilingold's original parsonage, is listed under the ownership of "Adath Israel Synagogue, Inc." This is the name shown on the original deed for the property dating to the 1970s.
The synagogue's website has dropped the word "Orthodox." This may simply be a measure taken to make the synagogue more appealing to unaffiliated Jews. It is also possible this may signal a reincorporation of sorts, meant to distance the current board from what has taken place in years past. From the late 1980s through approximately 2003, for the most part the synagogue did not have a legally functioning board.
It appears that any irregularities that took place during those years would become the legal responsibility of those who committed them. It is also quite possible that any reconstituted board would be held responsible for what took place before them. Forming a new corporation might be a way to avoid that potential responsibility.
1775 Hampshire Avenue is owned by Adath Israel Community Service Bureau, Inc. United Mehadrin Kosher (UMK), Rabbi Zeilingold's kosher supervision agency, claims to be a subsidiary of this organization. Neither organization files 990s with the IRS, presumably because they are themselves subsidiaries of Adath Israel Synagogue, Inc., and therefore claim an exemption from filing as a synagogue.
If UMK and Adath Israel Community Service Bureau, Inc., are no longer legally part of Adath Israel Synagogue, Inc. (or if the synagogue's board operates under a different name ) it would seem all parties involved would be in violation of the law.
Note that the UMK website describes itself this way:
"An affiliate of Adath Israel Community Service Bureau
Social Service Organization of Adath Israel Synagogue of St. Paul, Minnesota"
[Here it is in PDF]
1001 Prior Avenue South is owned by Adath Israel Synagogue, Inc. This was Rabbi Zeilingold's original parsonage. He lived here until 1994 or 1995. The property appears to be used primarily as a vacation residence for Rabbi Zeilingold's daughter and son-in-law and Rabbi Zeilingold's grandchildren, all of whom live in on the East Coast. Rabbi Zeilingold's son-in-law is a rabbi who runs a Chabad House. He also works for UMK.
Note the address for Bet Kahila Congregation is listed as 1001 Prior Avenue South. No prayer services appear to have been held at this location. I can find no record of any IRS filings for this entity. I have been told "tax deductible" donations were collected under the Bet Kahila name.
Did money from synagogue donors go into Bet Kahila?
Was money from UMK or from any kosher supervision work put into Bet Kahila?
Did the synagogue board know that its proprty was being used to start a competing congregation? Do members know this today?